¿Sabe Cómo se dice a su tiempo en diferentes idiomas?

Cómo se dice a su tiempo en diferentes idiomas

En esta página puedes aprender a decir a su tiempo a la gente de todo el mundo en su propio idioma.

a su tiempo en los idiomas del mundo

à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
a seu tempo
zu gegebener zeit, seiner zeit, zu seiner zeit, seinerzeit, im geeigneten augenblick, früher
a tempo debito, ai suoi giorni
své doby
annak idején
vienlaikus, vienlaicīgi, savulaik
свого часу

a su tiempo en los idiomas del mundo

zu gegebener zeit, seiner zeit, zu seiner zeit, seinerzeit, im geeigneten augenblick, früher
a seu tempo
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Antigua y Barbuda
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
zu gegebener zeit, seiner zeit, zu seiner zeit, seinerzeit, im geeigneten augenblick, früher
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
a seu tempo
Burkina Faso
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
Cabo Verde
a seu tempo
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
Côte d’Ivoire
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Estados Unidos de América
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Georgia del Sur y las Islas Sandwich del Sur
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Guayana Francesa
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
a seu tempo
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Hong Kong
annak idején
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Isla de Man
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Isla de Navidad
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Isla de Norfolk
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Islas Caimán
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Islas Cook
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Islas Malvinas (Falkland)
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Islas Marianas del Norte
Islas Salomón
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Islas Vírgenes
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Islas Vírgenes Británicas
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
a tempo debito, ai suoi giorni
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Las Bahamas
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
vienlaikus, vienlaicīgi, savulaik
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
zu gegebener zeit, seiner zeit, zu seiner zeit, seinerzeit, im geeigneten augenblick, früher
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
a seu tempo
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Nueva Zelanda
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
Papua Nueva Guinea
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Polinesia Francesa
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
a seu tempo
Puerto Rico
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Reino Unido
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Reino de Eswatini
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
República Centroafricana
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
República Checa
své doby
República Democrática del Congo
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
República del Congo
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
в свое время
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
Samoa Americana
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
San Bartolomé
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
San Cristóbal y Nieves
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
San Marino
a tempo debito, ai suoi giorni
San Pedro y Miquelón
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
San Vicente y las Granadinas
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Santa Helena
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Santa Lucía
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Santo Tomé y Príncipe
a seu tempo
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Sierra Leona
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Sudán del Sur
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
zu gegebener zeit, seiner zeit, zu seiner zeit, seinerzeit, im geeigneten augenblick, früher
Territorio Británico en el Océano Índico
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Territorios Australes Franceses
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
à l'époque, en son temps, dans le temps, naguère
Trinidad y Tabago
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
Turcos y Caicos
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
свого часу
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day
at one time, in due time, in his time, in their season, in due season, in the past, in its day